When Is It The Right Time To Quit?

When Is It The Right Time To Quit

Is there ever a right time to quit your job? The average person will spend up to 90,000 hours in the workplace, and over a lifetime this adds up to over 13 years at work! So, if you’re genuinely unhappy at work, now might be the right time to quit! While financial security is important, […]

The Hidden Dangers Of Stress & Anxiety | Mental Health

The Hidden Dangers Of Stress & Anxiety In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become a common part of our daily lives, and the dangers of these conditions cannot be ignored. Stress is a natural response to a life-threatening situation, but these days even small problems and issues at work can cause the fight […]

Obesity & Emotional Eating | Holistic Bioenergetic Coaching Can Help

Obesity & Emotional Eating | Holistic Bioenergetic Coaching Can Help

Introduction to Obesity & Emotional Eating Obesity and emotional eating are two issues that are closely intertwined and affect millions of people around the world. Piling on the pounds and becoming overweight for some people is a response to stress and difficult situations. There is a close yet complex connection between food and our emotions, […]