A blog of lessons for life

I am committed to your journey and want to share all I can to help you transform!

How to find the right life coach: Questions toAsk

A life coach can help you achieve your goals, conquer obstacles, and unlock your potential. But with so many coaches out there, how do you find the right one for you? The key is to ask the right questions! In this post, we’ll cover some crucial questions to ask potential coaches, including why gut feelings and reviews matter and how being open to change is vital for success. Plus, we’ll explore the difference between classical life coaches and mental fitness coaches with their bio-energetic approach. What is a Life Coach, Anyway? A life coach is like a personal trainer for your mind! They help you get clear on your goals, develop a plan to achieve them and provide accountability and support to keep you on track. They’re not therapists but may use some therapeutic techniques in their coaching practice. Questions to Ask Your Potential Coach Why Gut Feelings and Reviews Matter Choosing a life coach is a big deal; your gut feelings matter! You need to feel comfortable and trusting with your coach to be open and honest about your goals and challenges. Plus, reviews can provide a sense of the coach’s effectiveness and impact on their clients. Being Open to Change A life coach can provide you with the tools and support to achieve your goals, but you need to be open to change and new ideas. A willingness to embrace growth and challenge your limitations is key to success in coaching. Wrapping it up Finding the right life

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What is life coaching, and how does it help in stress management in Dubai?

Stress management in Dubai is becoming increasingly important as it is in other parts of the world. With the increase in demands on individuals to perform at their best, more and more people are reaching out to life coaches to assist in taking strides to become more fulfilled. A life coach will help clients improve their relationships, careers, and daily lives. Life Coaching and stress management in Dubai is an important service that aims to help people with any problems they may be facing. The process starts by a professional who listens to the problems of their clients and helps them deal with their issues in whatever way they can fix them. With this, they answer questions on how they can overcome their own problems and make sure that anybody suffering from stress or anxiety can also find ways to have a better time. What Is a Life Coach? Life coaches are one kind of health professional who assists clients in making strides in their lives to be more fulfilled. Life coaches help clients improve their relationships, careers, and daily life. What exactly does a Life Coach do? A life coach is a professional who assists with “life coaching.” Their task is to instruct the appropriate strategies, techniques, and methods to reach their full potential. Life coaches analyse ways to encourage clients to always be at their best. In addition, they help teach and train people in areas that will increase their likelihood of success. What Does a Life Coach

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Starting Your Day The Right Way: The Importance of a Morning Routine

Starting Your Day The Right Way: The Importance of a Morning Routine

Do you scoff at the importance of a morning routine? How do you begin your day? Do you spend your first few moments hitting the snooze button or getting up to start the day? Whether we choose to believe it or not, the way you spend the beginning can shape the rest of your day. Bettina Koster, certified holistic coach, suggests changing habits is the starting point of your journey towards improved mental and physical health. Before that, let us take a look at why the start of your day is important. To Live with purpose Having a proper beginning to your day fills you with a sense of purpose and in the long run, it will enable you to have a productive day. Morning routines allow you to set intentions for the day, and think about your life goals and how you would like to further your personal growth. Clear the mind Each day offers a new reset on life matters and taking the time, in the beginning, to clear up your mind of yesterday’s activities is crucial. Have a little peaceful time with yourself before you start the daily routine to set the right tone. 3 Tips by certified holistic coach on what are some good ways to start the day? Dedicate some time to spending moments in a state of mindfulness and think about what you want to achieve or what you would like to improve about yourself. Meditation is often considered a healthy early morning practice

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4 Ways You Can Build a Life of Happiness and Fulfillment

4 Ways You Can Build a Life of Happiness and Fulfillment

Learning how to build a life of happiness and fulfillment is a journey. We might not have the reasons explaining why we have not found satisfaction, yet finding and opening the key to valid and enduring joy is something we owe to ourselves. To help you achieve a sense of happiness Blooming Key suggests success coaching and fulfillment coaching to help you find satisfaction. Here are just some of the most important ways to achieve a sense of happiness and fulfillment. We spend so much time focused on the problems that we forget about the things that make us happy. But if we are going to build a life of happiness and fulfillment, we need to remember what truly brings us joy. As most success coaching teachers will tell you, focusing on life goals will offer great benefits in the long run. Not only does it put things in perspective, but it also allows you to gain confidence in the journey you are taking and the path you are creating. It can be difficult to accept when you have made mistakes or when something does not happen the way you expected. Even so, learning to accept such situations will greatly lift your mood. It means trusting that everything happens for a reason, even if it seems crazy at the time. It means believing in miracles and giving up on trying to predict the future because you cannot know what is going to happen next anyway. There is no better investment

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A Brief Guide on Communication Skills You Need to Master

A Brief Guide on Communication Skills You Need to Master

There are some fundamental communication skills you need need to master to enable you to be a good leader and teammate in any kind of situation. These skills are also an essential part of building better relationships with others and getting them on board with your ideas. Here are a few points suggested by a certified life coach online to help you master communication skills. For proper communication to take place, active listening needs to happen. This simply means that you need to not only hear what the person is saying to you but also follow their train of thought and be able to recall the main ideas of the conversation. Everything that happens non-verbally is a key part of communicating. Non-verbal communication is at the heart of mastering making connections with others. It simply means using body language to show others how you feel about something. To learn how to better execute these non-verbal communication skills, you can seek the assistance of a certified life coach online. When emotions run high, it is easy for people to misunderstand each other or get triggered by what they perceive as an attack or insult. There are several ways you can manage your own emotions while communicating with others, such as keeping them in check before speaking up and acknowledging when someone else has feelings too. Empathy is another important skill for leaders who want their teams to work well together. Being empathetic will help make people feel understood by others which

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4 Tips for Looking and Feeling More Confident

4 Tips for Looking and Feeling More Confident

Are you looking for ways of looking and feeling more confident? Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to be confident but you just were not feeling it? Being confident is important but sometimes it can be hard to come by. While some people may have confidence that lasts, for the rest of us the feeling is not a constant. When we are with people we know well, it is easy to be confident, but when we are in a new situation or with strangers, it can take some time before we feel self-assured. So what is the secret to believing in yourself? You simply have to seem or look confident to others around you. A major part of confidence involves how you look and appear, rather than how you feel. Confidence is a learned skill that can be built with adequate practice. Here are a few simple ways to increase your self-confidence: 1. Keep a Good Posture Good posture is the foundation of looking confident. If you are sitting, make sure your back is straight, but not rigid. Sit up tall and keep your chin up. If you are standing, keep your weight balanced on both feet, your shoulders square and relaxed. This friendly, open postures make others feel comfortable around you. 2. Maintain Eye Contact Eye contact is essential for projecting confidence. Look people in the eye whether you are talking to one person or you are addressing a group. Your gaze should be strong

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5 Ways In Which You Can Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

5 Ways In Which You Can Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

Increase your emotional intelligence and you’ll have a brand new perspective on your life and those around you. For many years, it has been believed that IQ plays the most important role in determining how successful one is in life. But that is not true. Contrary to popular belief, people who are academically brilliant or are high achieving professionals do not have it all. It is people with high emotional intelligence who are truly winning at life. An individual who has a high emotional intelligence can manage his emotions better, communicate healthily, and have good relations with people around him. They can also deal with stress better than most people and lead a good quality of life. Your IQ may scale you to new heights but your EQ helps you deal with the lows of life. Following are the 5 ways in which you can increase your emotional intelligence: 1) Acknowledge and process your emotions: Tap into your emotions and pay attention to how you’re feeling. You may be feeling sad, anxious, ashamed, or guilty but it is important to not judge your emotions. Allow yourself to completely feel what you’re feeling. There is no shame in feeling a certain way so acknowledge your emotions and validate them. Don’t be too hard on yourself and take your time to process your emotions. Only then will you be able to make peace with it and increase your emotional intelligence. 2) Cultivate Empathy: You cannot truly achieve emotional intelligence if you’re ignorant

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5 Tips To Improve Nonverbal Communication Skills

5 Tips To Improve Nonverbal Communication Skills

Tips To Improve Nonverbal Communication Skills ‘The most important thing in communication is hearing what hasn’t been said.’ – Peter Drucker I am sure you have experienced this as well before: Someone enters the room and you already know this means trouble, even though not a word has been spoken. But how do we know? The studies from Dr. Mehrabian describe how the mind determines meaning. He concluded that the interpretation of a message is 7% verbal (the actual spoken word), 38% vocal (how it was said) and 55% visual (body-language). His conclusion was that 93% of communication is “nonverbal” in nature. Even though these percentages were wildly criticized, scientists agree that nonverbal communication involving body language, facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, tone of voice, and personal space, play an important role in our communication. Use it wisely and you can harbour their power, but fail to use it effectively and you could give the wrong impression, offend people or even damage your reputation. Here are 5 tips to improve your nonverbal communication skills. Look For Unspoken Signs Whenever you speak to someone, whether it’s a relative, partner, or colleague at work, pay attention to their body language, eye contact, and gestures. Nonverbal communication can reveal a lot about how a person feels, their intentions, and whether they’re being honest or twisting the truth. While you’re not trying to act as a human lie-detector, being aware of unspoken signs and signals will help you understand situations and dissect conversations better.

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The Correlation Between Forgiveness and Success | Tips For Entrepreneurs

The Correlation Between Forgiveness and Success | Tips For Entrepreneurs

Forgiveness might be the key to success. Being able to clear your mind, let go of resentment and live in the moment helps entrepreneurs and business owners become more productive, creative and successful. In this article, we’re going to discuss the power of forgiveness, and how holding onto a grudge can hold you back in life. Forgive Those Who Resent Your Success Many successful entrepreneurs will tell you that the more success they experienced in life, the more people resented them. Unfortunately, it is common for even friends and family members to become frustrated and in some cases resentful at your achievements. But, if you let an argument or dispute ruin your productivity by holding onto a grudge this could be doing more damage to you, than to the person who upset you. To forgive those who resent your success actually means letting go off negative thoughts and emotions, and making space for creativity and a positive outlook on life. Forgive Loved Ones If you’re starting your own business this often comes with risk. Whether it’s a financial investment or risking your relationship. Taking a path in life that carries this type of risk, won’t be easy for loved ones to understand or accept, especially if it means changing your lifestyle. When this happens, families can often fall out. While partners believe they are doing right, by guiding you down a different and less risky path, if you are an entrepreneur, this can seem as though they are acting against

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Finding Yourself- Discover Self-Acceptance and Personal Fulfillment

Finding Yourself: Discover Self-Acceptance and Personal Fulfillment

One of the key elements of a flourishing, fulfilling life is a sense of purpose. Discovering passions and pursuing important goals ultimately leads to a life of authentic happiness. As a holistic bioenergetic coach in Abu Dhabi, I’ve received thousands of questions from people in search of fulfilment, happiness, and meaning. They often express frustration that bubbles over from a variety of sources. Many times, they aren’t sure of what they really want in life or they’re confused about which path to choose to pursue their dreams. At the root of all these frustrations is a misunderstanding about who they are. The greatest and most important adventure of our lives is discovering our true selves. How well do you really know yourself? How can you live a more authentic, meaningful, and fulfilling life, if you can’t answer that question? Knowing ourselves at the deepest, most genuine level is a life-long process. But, the more deliberate we are about it, the more we can grow and evolve consciously. Even though understanding ourselves is an evolutionary journey, there is one key piece we must commit to before starting – self-acceptance. Fully accept yourself. Flaws and all. Self-acceptance is essential. Keep in mind, however, self-acceptance is not the same as self-esteem. Self-esteem refers specifically to how we feel about our own worth. Alternatively, self-acceptance encompasses a far more global affirmation of self. Self-acceptance is about making peace with every part of who we are, both light and dark. When we’re self-accepting, we choose

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